Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mat Man video

On our way back from the playground I had some helpers carry a few things we are going to use to make our classroom into a food market.
During large group time we made Mat Man again so that we could draw him together during small groups.

We listened to the song and drew Mat Man along to the music. Using this technique will help students learn how they can draw a person and make more accurate drawings.

In another small group we used the wood pieces and pattern cards to create patterns and shapes.

In another group Mrs. Schilling asked each student to count for her. Others made towers with plastic cups. 


In our last group we used scissors and cut straws into pieces. This is good practice with scissors and lots of fun to watch the straws fly in the air.

In the Gym we played a game called "Mr. Fox, Mr. Fox, What time is it?" We had to count our steps for the time that Mr. Fox told us. Then we raced back to the other side when the fox shouted midnight.

Class Photographer Kayleigh's pictures

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