This morning we planted grass seed. First we drew funny faces on stickers to put on our jars so that when the grass grows it looks like hair. Over the next week we will water them and watch as the grass begins to sprout.
Working together to accomplish a common goal. Nice work girls!
In Jesus time this morning we finished watching "The Jesus Movie." We watched the last scenes about our story from last week where the disciples were fishing and then the Great Commission. This week we will talk about Jesus sending the disciples out to make disciples of all nations. We will talk about being disciples and sharing Jesus' story with others.
During free choice time we worked on a special present for Mother's day.
We also worked on our knights helmets and fitted our crowns.
At the end of the day we were excited to see our "May There Always Be Sunshine" books. We read them together and sang our song. We are so excited to take them home next week along with our recording.
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