Thursday, April 24, 2014

Paper Mache

This morning we acted out the story of the disciples fishing and Jesus appearing to them after His resurrection. He told the disciples to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, even though they hadn't caught anything all night. They he made breakfast for them.

During small groups we worked on cutting our our crowns. It was very challenging to cut the zig-zag lines. Some of us could do it by ourselves others needed more help. (Those who made their crowns yesterday working on a cutting project for next week.

We also used our watercolors to paint pictures

We finished coloring our pictures for our "May There Always Be Sunshine" books. They are printing as I type and we will get to use them next week as we continue to practice singing our song before we record it.

 During free play time we got to add up to 10 jewels to our crowns to make them very fancy.
 Some of us also got to work on making paper mache knights helmets. A few students did not really like to get their hands messy in the flour water.

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