Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter eggs

This morning we did some printing with cardboard to decorate Easter eggs.

In Jesus time we learned the story of the Resurrection. How great it is to know that our sins are forgiven and we will get to go to heaven.

 During our small groups we put together Easter eggs to match pattern cards. Some of the cards were a pattern and others we just had to follow the card to match the eggs.

We also made Easter cards. Everyone had to write "HAPPY EASTER"

We also colored pictures of Easter eggs. When we color we are working on staying in the lines and using different colors for different parts of the picture.

During center time we worked on our castles. Some of us decided to make flags to put in our castle towers.

Then we all painted our castles that we built. We got to pick our colors. 

Brody and Liam built their own castle with blocks. 

We almost forgot our class photographer today, but Nicholas remembered right before we were heading out the door. 

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