Wednesday, January 28, 2015

National Lutheran Schools Week: Western Day

Happy Western day of National Lutheran Schools Week.
We started our day with chapel led by Mr. Debrick. He shared with us some stories from other alumni from Zion who are now church workers.

After chapel we had a special treat, Mrs. Schultz's 3rd grade students came to do small groups with us. We did the following activities with the 3rd graders:
  1. They read stories to us
  2. Played Dr. with us
  3. We did large scale marble painting with golf balls.
  4. We also created a collaborative heart

After our fun time with the 3rd grade we were ready for snack. (we missed snack time in the Commons so we had it in our classroom, which made for another special treat)

After our action packed small group time and snack time we had some large motor time outside.

To end our morning we had free play time.

The students were much more engaged in the dr.'s office after playing with the 3rd graders and getting some play guidance from older students.

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