Friday, October 3, 2014

Where do we get our food?

Beautiful Fall Morning
They were pretending they were riding rides at Six Flags

Getting ready for our small groups identifying fruits and vegetables.

One group worked with me on the SMARTboard and made a list of where food comes from.

Another group sorted the fruits and veggies into baskets.

 With Mrs. Lind we painted coffee filters in fall colors.

 In Jesus time we built the Tower of Babel on the SMARTboard and talked about how great the people thought they were until God made them speak different languages. Then we practiced a memory verse: "Seek first the kingdom of God" Matthew 6:33

Instead of going to the gym, we enjoyed the fall air and collected sticks to use for an art project.

Then we had a lot of fun playing in the Bobcat Pit. Students liked showing how they could climb in and out. (They liked being in the enclosed space)

Class photographer Owen's pictures

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