Sunday, October 9, 2011

We are a little short on pictures this week. We were still very busy.
Working with Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) The 4 and 5 year olds used the Roll-a-Dough to roll the letter "L" It takes lots of hand muscle control to roll balls into snakes to make the letters.

The 3's did another HWT activity to work on crossing the mid-line when writing. We traced railroad tracks to make big horizontal lines and small vertical lines.

We had chapel on Tuesday with Mrs. Bernhardt. We are learning how to sit quietly and keep our attention on the leader.

We had fun making a tent outside and seeing our shadows through it.

We also did some sewing on styrofoam plates and made a mobile to remind us of our Bible story about Abraham.

Don't forget: We only have school on Monday and Tuesday this week. The teachers are attending the Missouri District Professional Church Workers Conference.

Parent Teacher Conferences: You have or will receive your letter about parent teacher conferences on October 20th/21st. I have a total of 26 conferences to do, I will try to make accommodations for everyone but my schedule its a bit tight. If you are unable to make your scheduled time please let me know and we will try to set up another time.

Chapel- Chapel this week is on Monday.

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