We made it through our first few days of full day preschool! It was a lot of fun to meet everyone and get the year started. Learning the schedule and the procedures of a new classroom are difficult and will take a little bit of time. In the next few weeks your child will learn the expectations of school and they will be more comfortable in the classroom.
Our school theme this year is based on Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
In preschool we are focusing on the theme in the following ways:
Act: What did Jesus do for us? He died on the cross for us Love: Jesus loves us so much he died on the cross for us so we should also love everyone else Walk: We walk with Jesus and the things we do for others show Jesus' love
This week as we got used to our schedule we had fun getting to know each other, check out our "All About Me" posters in the hallway. We also got to make some paintings that will decorate our classroom all year.
Back to School Night
On Tuesday night at 7 PM is the PTL Back to School Night. The evening starts with an opening devotion and information about the school fundraiser in the church. Then parents have the chance meet with their child's teachers. Since preschool had parent orientation night the preschool teachers will only be available at the first session for parents. You do not need to come. If you have any questions please let me know.
Nap Time
We are still adjusting to the schedule. I know it has been hard for some and that nap time seems a little long but right now I am not letting the kids get or look at books during nap. As the year goes on and we have all adjusted to what nap time means, I will make adjustments for the children who do not nap.